Managing your business water supply can be tedious, especially if you have more than one site to consider. Fortunately, consolidated billing for your water services can assist with streamlining your processes and even help you save water. With fewer accounts, you can focus on more important aspects of your business!
This article will tell you more about consolidated billing and multi-premises water management. You’ll learn about the many advantages these services offer and which types of businesses would benefit the most.
What is Multi-Premises Business Water Management?
Also called multi-site water management, multi-premises business water management is aimed at businesses with multiple sites. The service includes managing multiple accounts and consolidating the overall water bill. Similar services are available for the gas and electric markets.
You can usually manage your account online and set up electronic billing for added convenience. Now, you can find all your water usage details in one readily accessible location, saving you valuable time.
Who Needs Consolidated Billing?
Any business owner with multiple sites could benefit from consolidated billing for their water and wastewater services. It doesn’t matter which industry you’re in or how many sites you have; consolidated water accounts save time and money!
Both multi-site and multi-meter customers are ideal candidates for this type of service. So whether you own a chain of restaurants with multiple sites across the city or a large factory with a few different meters, consolidated billing could be a great option.
Advantages of Consolidated Bill for Your Business
Below are the benefits of consolidating your water bill.
Save time
When your water and wastewater accounts are on just one bill, you save a significant amount of time regarding payments and processes. Whether you own large or small businesses, you’ll know that time is money.
Cost savings
A consolidated water bill allows you to look for cost-saving opportunities, like where you could save water and how you can optimize tariffs. See which of your business sites use the most water and find ways to reduce your usage.
Improved efficiency
Having all your accounts on one water bill is one of the best ways to streamline your operation. It also lets you see where to reduce water usage and improve overall efficiency. Becoming more water-efficient is a sustainable choice for all business owners.
Finding a Water Manager
Finding the right water manager is essential to make the most out of consolidating your water accounts. In this competitive water market, you should remember that there is not just one water company. A water manager can help you choose the right water supplier based on your needs and budget.
Water managers also use energy management software to see how much water they use every month. They can help you find ways to minimize water wastage, which is not just related to environmental concerns but can also help reduce your overall business costs.
Industrial businesses that produce trade effluent can experience more savings and expert advice when opting for water management services. Experienced water managers can offer valuable insights into the complex licenses and regulations regarding trade effluent.
Want to start enjoying all the benefits that come with consolidated billing? The sooner you choose a business water manager, the better. An experienced water manager can help leverage improved pricing and so much more. This is a decision that you definitely won’t regret.